
Article Roundup - Week of Dec 10, 2017

Article Roundup

How Stripe Designs Beautiful Websites
This article goes over some tips and tricks Stripe uses when designing websites. It’s a lot of small things that can make a big difference.

Happier HTML5 Form Validation
Did you know HTML5 added built-in support for form validation? I was finally able to play around with it a few months ago. It can be quite handy once you understand how it works.

The New DDoS Landscape
How DDoS attacks are launched and mitigated has been changing. Cloudflare knows DoS and this write-up providers a survey of the new landscape.

The State of JavaScript 2017
The State of JavaScript has been released for 2017. Some of the data is still being worked on, but here are a few highlights.

  • React and Vue are gaining popularity
  • Angular and Angular 2+ are losing popularity
  • Ember and Knockout are still used but not frequently
  • Gulp and Grunt are being used less